Campouts and Activities
Troop 135 is a camping troop! Our scout leadership decides what camping trips they would like to do over the course of the year and they bring those proposals to adult leadership for advice and consent. Our scouts attempt to introduce a mix of adventure/activity campouts along with "go relax in the woods" type campouts. Typical campouts include fishing trips, ropes courses, rifle shooting, ice climbing, skiing and more. We also try to conduct a New Scout Campout at Hoyt at least once a year.
The troop maintains enough tents for all of the boys. We also have patrol boxes and camp stoves for the boys to use. We don't camp light, but we do camp in style.
On a typical campout, younger scouts will be able to work on advancement while older scouts might be working on some of the Eagle Merit Badges including Camping and Cooking. They boys learn teamwork as they set up and tear down camp. They also make lifetime friends as we all sit around the campfire in the evening to tell stories and sing some songs.
Troop 135 loves to walk! We try to do at least one portion of the Appalachian Trial during the scouting year. This is a great opportunity for new scouts to head out with the troop in a fun setting. We also offer other hikes-of-opportunity throughout the year as the fancy strikes us. Connecticut has some great trails. It's a great opportunity for the kids to put down their electronic devices and go get some fresh air.
Summer Camp
Troop 135 is an active participant at Camp Saquassen each year. This is a one-week summer camp where the boys have a blast with one activity after another. Scouts work on Merit Badges individually and the Troop vies for the coveted "Super Troop" award by participating in every event we can with great scout spirit to boot!