Matthew Witmyer - Eagle Scout Project
Project Description
Southbury/Middlebury B'Nai Israel Synagogue Mitzvah Garden
The Synagogue Mitzvah garden is used to grow food for the Woodbury Food bank. It consisted of eight large raised beds. Over time, the wood used for the raised beds had deteriorated and the beds had begun to spill into the surrounding pathways. In addition, those pathways had become overgrown with grass and weeds. Matthew worked with the Synagogue to come up with a plan to replace the boxes and improve the overall condition of the garden.
Eight new boxes were constructed, each 2'x12' and consisting over White Oak planks secured by L-brackets and screws. Because the existing soil was very fertile, the old boxes were removed while the soil was kept in place. The new boxes were constructed, carried, and placed around the soil in order to avoid having to remove and replace the soil. All pathway stone was cleansed and new garden fabric installed under the stone to prevent weeds from returning.